020419 JB ASP 2000X410

Future stars

Athlete Support Programme

On 1 October 2024, the Sports Development service will fully transfer to be managed by Scottish Borders Council.

There is no change to any activity, and all sessions will run as normal with the same staff members.

Scottish Borders Council have a new web page for the service, and it can be found here.


The Athlete Support Programme (ASP) was established with the ultimate aim of its participants gaining future representation at Commonwealth Games, Olympic Games or Paralympic Games. It provides individualised support services for the region’s performance level athletes and coaches, a number of whom have progressed to represent their country at Scottish and GB senior level. This includes the Commonwealth and Paralympic games.

Specialist services for successful applicants may include:

– enhanced access to training facilities across the Borders
– medical and physiotherapy services
– physical preparation and coaching
– specialist coaching.

Priority is given to sports/disciplines which are involved in the Commonwealth, Olympic or Paralympic Games, although other sports can be considered.

New ASP applications should be made in conjunction with the athlete’s sports governing body.

For more information contact asp@liveborders.org.uk

Follow ASP on Instagram and learn more about the participants!