High quality sport in the Scottish Borders
Sports Development
Whether you’re a participant, volunteer or spectator, sport has the ability to change your life for the better. Our Sports Development Team are committed to providing a high-quality network of clubs, coaches, pathways, volunteers, facilities and sporting opportunities.
The people of the Scottish Borders are proud of the region’s sporting legacy and we will work to ensure sport continues to be a dynamic and invigorating part of life.
The Sports Development Team currently has seven target sports: athletics, cycling, hockey, football, rugby, tennis and swimming. Disability sport is also identified as an area of priority due to its inclusion across all the sports.
However, our commitment extends beyond the target sports listed above – we remain dedicated to increasing the number of participants in sport in the Borders and inspiring everyone to improve their lives through physical activity and sport.
If you have any queries on the target sports or how to get involved please contact the relevant officer:
Athletics: Neil Renton nrenton@liveborders.org.uk
Club Development – East: Lori Lee llee@liveborders.org.uk
Club Development – West: Greig Shortreed gshortreed@liveborders.org.uk
Cycling: Neil Renton nrenton@liveborders.org.uk
Disability Sport: Greig Shortreed gshortreed@liveborders.org.uk
Football: Drew Kelly dkelly@liveborders.org.uk
Hockey: Sarah Glendinning sglendinning@liveborders.org.uk
Tennis: Neil Renton nrenton@liveborders.org.uk
Triathlon: Neil Renton nrenton@liveborders.org.uk