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The Scottish Borders is home to some of the best cycling in Britain. We aim to give Border cyclists the best possible start in the sport. Live Borders in partnership with Scottish Cycling and volunteers from our network of cycling clubs – form the Borders Cycling Development Group, to ensure that the area has a programme of events, activities, coach education and club support aimed at promoting the development of cycle sport.
Our Scottish Cycling endorsed flagship cycle programmes are designed to compliment and support the club network and talent pathway.
CYCLE SKOOL: “Fundamental skills underpin performance at every level” The only such scheme in Scotland, developed and delivered by Live Borders Sport’s Development. Aimed at encouraging young people to develop and progress through a six level scheme, across 10 cycle skills.
- Cycle Skool: After Schools Sessions – Short technique based sessions developing fundamental cycling skills. Blocks of 4 after school sessions, run locally. Sessions will cover common skills with assessment according to the rider’s degree of proficiency.
- Cycle Skool: Rider Development Session – Targeted 4 week blocks of regular sessions at Tweedbank and other venues for riders looking to progress through intermediate Cycle Skool levels 4 and above.
- Cycle Skool: Cycle Speedway sessions – Race pace fun and tactics on speedway specific bikes. Bike Provided.
- Cycle Skool: Kids, Trail Riding & Jump Skool Camps – One off, half-day or full day skills sessions at a trail venue with the aim of increasing the riders’ proficiency at fundamental and intermediate skills. Including correct technique to execute and land jumps and rail corners.
- Advanced Rider Development Squad – An annual programme for advancing riders for 40 weeks of the year. Weekly training involves on-bike skills and essential skills required for later conditioning training along with aspects such as teamwork, road riding, cycle mechanics and indoor training.
- Cycling Training Camps – For adults looking to pre-load their season with gym and road coaching plus 6 week training plans post camp. More info below.
For more information contact Cycle Sport Coordinator, Chris: cbryant@liveborders.org.uk
Rider Pathway
Scottish Cycling strongly believes and are committed: ‘to being the best performing small cycling nation in the world. As such, we have ensured that a thorough Rider Development Pathway and relevant provisions are in place to reach your potential.
Rider Development Pathway Stages:
- Live Borders: Cycle Skool (Rider ages 5-7, 8-11)
- Live Borders: Rider Development Sessions (Rider ages 5-7, 8-11)
- Live Borders: Advanced Rider Development Squad* (Rider ages 11-14)
- Scottish Cycling: Club Cluster sessions (Rider ages 12-16)
- Scottish Cycling: Race Regional (Rider ages 12-16)
- Scottish Cycling: Race National (nomination through club for riders aged 14+)
Talented athletes can be selected from the above to attend the residential Live Borders Sports Academy.
The Rider pathway has helped young riders attain selection to National squads, became National Champions and achieved further success internationally. Additionally, our riders have gone on to become confident participants in their sport or continue to enjoy the health benefits of regular sport.
Athletes who wish to pursue higher levels of competition can access ClubSport funding and our Athlete Support Programme (ASP)
Coach Education
Coaches are essential for teaching and developing players at every age, stage and level of cycling, without coaches, we would not be able to create a meaningful learning environment for rider to participate, enjoy and develop their riding experience.
Developing confident and proficient coaches is a key priority for us in the Scottish Borders and the British Cycling coaching pathway has a systematic process, to enable aspiring coaches to gain progressive qualifications.
For courses check out; www.britishcycling.org.uk/scotland/coaching?c=SX
Additionally we recommend that all coaches consider becoming qualified ride leaders, this prerequisite covers the skills necessary to lead cycle rides on roads and on recognised cycle paths.
For more information on Ride leader course check out; www.cyclinghub.scot/course/cycle-ride-leader–led-ride-assistant . Off road leadership courses are also recommended for mountain bikers: https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/mtbleadership
Cycling Training Camps
As a rider on our camp, our expert coach with over 10 years’ experience of providing training and advice for athletes, will take you through a pre training exercise and will design a weekend of training specifically to meet your personal goals. Training within a group enhances the training effect and motivation so by riding and training with like-minded individuals as well as our in group ride leader you will be able to lift you’re a game to new heights.
Our camps will involve a hybrid of gym and road based sessions, the programme of two days can be reversed to maximise the time on the bike and reduce the effects of poor weather although it will take a certain sort of determination to fulfill your potential.
All riders will receive a post camp plan outlining specific areas for development and top ideas on how to work towards them. Full training advice beyond the weekend is available if required subject to additional fees.
Club Directory
Joining a club is a great way to get the most out of your cycling. Whether you are a seasoned racer or a complete beginner, there is nothing better than riding with like-minded cyclists to develop your skills and challenge yourself. Some clubs are involved across all the cycling disciplines, while others specialise in areas such as time trialling, road cycling or mountain biking.
Check out the British Cycling website to find your nearest club.