Run to it!
There are many events for runners of all abilities taking place throughout the Scottish Borders every year.
Whether you are taking your first steps towards a new, healthier lifestyle or simply looking for people to run with in a friendly group environment with trained coaches or leaders, there are many opportunities for you.
For more information contact our Athletics Development Officer, Neil: nrenton@liveborders.org.uk
Participation centres
Run, Jump and Throw Centres are part of a national programme delivered in partnership between local authorities, schools and clubs. Live Borders’ Future Stars Athletics programme delivers athletics as an extra-curricular school activity on a regular basis, linking with the local athletics club.
The programme is aimed at children who have never taken part in an athletics programme and would like more experience before joining an affiliated athletics club. With a wide range of activities including all aspects of running, jumping and throwing – with links to appropriate competitions – the Centres provide a chance for children and young athletes to participate in athletics all year round.
Athlete pathway
Up to the age of 18, athletes are catered for within the club and school system. They can attend Future Stars, holiday programmes and/or be integrated into athletics clubs.
There are training and competition opportunities for all youngsters from age 8 upwards. Senior athletes, aged 18 upwards, can train and compete within the club structure or with jogscotland groups, which cater mainly for recreational runners.
For more information contact Neil: nrenton@liveborders.org.uk
In partnership with Schools and Active Schools Network, the highly successful Sportshall athletics programme currently takes place in Galashiels and Peebles. The programme, which is aimed at Primary Schools, leads to a local competition where successful schools compete in a regional event.
Talent ID
Youngsters from the Scottish Borders can follow the athlete pathway. Talented athletes can be selected from schools and clubs to attend the Scottish Borders Sports Academy.
Team Borders compete in the Forth Valley league and East of Scotland cross country league. Athletes are selected for teams based on club/school performances.
From U17 age groups and above, and in consultation with Scottish Athletics, may apply to join the Athlete Support Programme. Talented athletes at junior/senior level can progress to the UK Athletics pathway for elite athletes.
Club directory
Details of training times, competitions, coaching, social events and club news for on clubs affiliated the Scottish Athletics Limited can be found on club websites or Facebook pages. There are currently 6 clubs in the Scottish Borders affiliated to Scottish Athletics. These clubs have UK athletics qualified coaches delivering sessions for members. All clubs cater for both junior and senior athletes at a variety of levels. There are a number of jogscotland groups throughout the Borders, these can be found at jogscotland website.
Coach education
The role of the coach at all levels of sport is crucial, regardless of what age and stage you coach. Your contribution to the development of athletics and the opportunities you provide is inspiring, whether you are supporting aspiring young athletes to achieve their goals or working with talented performers in their pursuit of excellence. You make an invaluable contribution to athletics in Scotland.
If our national level athletes are to contend for success on the international stage then coaches must have the support of a well-structured, resourced and effective coaching system within the best environment possible. This can only be achieved by providing a clearly structured programme of ongoing development for coaches, whether this is through the qualifications pathway or a comprehensive CPD programme.
The Coach Scholarship Scheme offers financial support to coaches/officials within the Scottish Borders. It has been introduced to encourage new people to get involved in coaching and officiating, as well as motivating existing coaches to progress their careers by awarding financial support.
For further information contact the Club Development Officer, Greig: gshortreed@liveborders.org.uk