Live Borders announces reopening of facilities
Live Borders has updated the schedule for public reopening of some of its facilities following the First Minister’s statement that swimming pools and gyms could now open from 31 August.
The first facility scheduled to open will be TriFitness in Galashiels which will reopen from Wednesday 2 September.
The Galashiels Swimming Pool will open on Tuesday 8 September with the Teviotdale Leisure Centre Gym and Swimming Pool following on Wednesday 9 September. Initially the pool programmes will be consist of lane swimming, club sessions and aquafit classes only. The Learn to Swim programmes will restart at a later date.
The guidelines on physical distancing that Live Borders are required to follow mean that the gym capacity at Teviotdale will be restricted to 15 at any given time and TriFitness will accommodate 30 customers.
Both swimming pools will be limited to a maximum of 24 swimmers per session split over three extra wide lanes.
Opening hours will be limited to ensure viability and that appropriate cleaning can take place. The initial opening times will be regularly reviewed to ensure opening hours reflect demand and take into consideration any changes in local or national circumstances.
Information on how and when to book sessions will be shared with members and subsequently published on the Live Borders website over the coming days.
“I am pleased to be able to bring you details of the schedule for Live Borders sports facilities re-opening in the Borders. We know how much the community is looking forward to getting back to our venues and we have all been waiting patiently for this day to arrive. This announcement commences a gradual and measured approach to the opening of our sports services, and the team are working hard to ensure it is done with safety and customer confidence as top priorities,” said Ewan Jackson, CEO Live Borders.
“Ideally we would have opened the pools sooner following the First Minister’s announcement. We have been managing the pool water carefully during lockdown and are now awaiting the results of microbiological tests to verify the pool water is safe for swimming. The test results are scheduled to be with us by the end of next week after which we will undertake a few days of essential lifeguard training before welcoming back swimmers.
“We want our members and customers to have a safe and enjoyable experience when they return to our pools and gyms, and are putting measures in place such as pre-booking, enhanced cleaning, social distancing and greater spacing of equipment to facilitate this. We know how important these facilities are in contributing to the wellbeing of our communities across the Borders, and we can’t thank our members and customers enough for their support through this difficult time.”
Councillor Euan Jardine, Scottish Borders Council’s Executive Member for Culture and Sport, said: “I am delighted that a number of key Live Borders facilities are set to reopen. A phased approach is being taken to the reopening of these facilities, with the safety of the public and Live Borders staff the highest priority. I look forward to seeing more of our area’s sports facilities opening their doors again in the coming weeks and months.”
To see further opening dates – CLICK HERE.
Live Borders continues to review each of their services and news of further opening dates will be announced through the website for the most up to date information. Further opening announcements of other venues is expected soon.
Live Borders is a charity. Every penny you spend with us is reinvested into supporting active, creative and healthy communities in the Scottish Borders.