Firebrand Theatre: A Room of One’s Own
Building upon the sold-out success of its premiere at Duns Play Fest in May 2024, and sell-out Autumn tour, Scottish Borders-based Firebrand Theatre Company is delighted to make its debut in Jedburgh this February with its own new stage adaptation of Virginia Woolf’s world famous feminist essay, A Room of One’s Own, which plays at the Jedburgh Town Hall on Friday 14th February at 7.30pm.
Directed by the award-winning Richard Baron, this ambitious one woman show features the versatile Ellie Zeegen and engagingly reveals why Virginia Woolf’s brilliant and richly entertaining essay about freedom and identity has become one of the most significant feminist manifestos of this time, and any time.
Scottish Borders based Firebrand is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year and continues to work in partnership to this day with Heart of Hawick and Live Borders creating many critically acclaimed national tours, highly popular site-specific productions and inventive brand new work including Bill McLaren: The Voice of Rugby and Nan Shepherd: Naked and Unashamed, the latter in co-production with Pitlochry Festival Theatre and revived for their Summer Season 2025, after its sold-out run last year.
Jason Moyes, Head of Arts & Creativity at Live Borders says “We are really very lucky to have such a quality and highly respected theatre company like Firebrand based here in the Borders. We are delighted to be hosting this performance of A Room of One’s Own at Jedburgh Town Hall; an amazing opportunity to snap up a ticket before it heads to Pitlochry Festival Theatre’s Winter Words curated by new Artistic Director Alan Cumming, later in the month.”
Although A Room of One’s Own was written in 1929 as a lecture delivered to the female undergraduates at Girton College, Cambridge, the new play unfurls as a fascinating historical and literary quest, rich in delicious irony and spiced with an array of colourful character sketches.
John McEwen, Founder of Duns Playfest says: “A Room of One’s Own” was the highlight of DunsPlayFest 2024 and the performance which stood head and shoulders above everything else was Ellie Zeegen’s multi-faceted, multi-dimensional embodiment of Virginia Woolf’s classic feminist text. This adaptation by Richard Baron, the show’s director, had the sell-out audience enthralled. Everyone should see this. Acting and writing of the very highest quality.”
Performed in the round so audiences are involved in the action, director Richard Baron says: “We are excited to bring to Jedburgh Town Hall such a significant and thought-provoking piece of work, which highlights perfectly Firebrand’s mission to create ‘epic theatre in intimate spaces’. The action takes you far beyond the realms of a classroom and transports you back almost a hundred years to ‘hand you (in Virginia Woolf’s words) a nugget of pure truth for you to wrap up between the pages of your notebooks and keep on the mantelpiece’.
Ellie Zeegen adds: ‘It is an honour to be playing a new stage version of Virginia Woolf: the woman, the female activist and one of the most influential writers of the 20th Century. To give voice to her words and her at times humorous and ground-breaking interpretation of how women have been viewed in society over centuries, goes some way to bringing both her and her fictional Shakespeare’s sister back to life via a literary argument that truly transcends the passage of time.’
Dean Freeman of local Borders bookshop Heron & Willow is supporting this production: ‘We’re extremely excited at Heron & Willow to have some brilliant live Theatre in Jedburgh. We’ll be there, with copies of A Room Of One’s Own for sale, and perhaps a few other bits and pieces too. Let’s make a great night of it!’
£8.00 – BOOK HERE
For more information please contact Jason Moyes @ Live Borders on 07971 091 870
£30.00-£9.50 http://bit.ly/40uzKCb