Lots for all ages
Our libraries are stocked with all kinds of things for teenagers and young adults including:
- Fiction, from horror to romance
- Audiobooks and large print titles
- Music
- Sport and health
- Magazines and newspapers
- Homework help books and websites
- Non-fiction (information) books filled with everything you’ve always wanted to know but were afraid to ask!
All books are free to borrow.
All our libraries have computers which are free for members to use.
Stuck on your homework? Check out these helpful sites
- BBC Bitesize offers homework help for all ages, with exam revision help in their Bitesize section as well as live webcasts from authors and even learning games
- Homework Elephant – all your homework resources in one place. Includes a Subject Help area for if you know what you are looking for, post a question in Agony Elephant with experts in Maths, Physics, English, Music, Biology and Geography, History and General questions and Hints and Tips section where you can learn how best to study and how to deal with homework worries.
How do I join?
Joining the library is free and anyone can join. Ask our library staff for a membership form. If you’re under 16 complete your details and ask your parent or guardian to sign and return it, they will need to bring at least one form of ID – further information can be found in Joining the library