Help with Dyslexia
Our libraries can help library members with Dyslexia. For more information please contact your local library.
Barrington Stoke titles
Barrington Stoke is an independent publisher helping students make the jump from learning to read to loving to read. A wide selection of titles are held in our libraries. This collection is very useful as the content suits the age of reader while the text suits a lower reading age. Most of these titles are printed on a cream background with a special font to make reading easier.
Talking books
We have a wide selection of talking books for all ages.
eBooks and eAudiobooks
Free downloads of popular fiction (stories) and non fiction eBooks and eAudiobooks for all the family to enjoy. Browse, borrow and download an eBook or eAudiobook on the Borrowbox app without leaving home. Simply visit our eLibrary page to find out more about Borrowbox
Newspapers and magazines
The Pressreader service is available to all library members and provides 7000+ titles. Read copies of your favourite newspapers or magazines free of charge from a computer, smartphone or tablet. Simply visit our eLibrary page to find out more about Pressreader
Free online information resources
- books and authors
- research and reference
- Local studies
- useful links for kids
You may need your library card number and PIN to access sites from your own PC.
My Study Bar
Free software giving access to text to speech, colour overlays, magnification and lots of other useful things. Personal settings can be saved to a USB memory stick for use on any PC.