Untitled (2000 × 410 px) (8)

Shades of Abstraction by Angela Woof and Liz Maclarty Jones

Shades of Abstraction by Angela Woof and Liz Maclarty Jones

An exciting new exhibition of mixed media work by two local artists, exploring the landscapes and coastlines of the Scottish Borders.   

Angela’s work strives to capture the beauty, fragility and temporary nature of everything. She loves working outdoors with sketchbooks – capturing the effects of changing weather patterns, light and mood – which she later develops in her studio. Angela builds an intimate knowledge of place over time which influences her finished pieces.   

Liz has returned to full-time painting after initially studying Fine Art followed by a diverse career as a studio potter, ceramic designer and academic. She also enjoys working from life and paints outdoors all year round. Liz’s semi-abstract style combines observation with memories to tell a story of the places she loves.  

For more info visit:

www.angelawoof.com and Angie’s Instagram 


When & where

Date: Jul 01 - Jul 29

Old Gala House

Pricing details:

Free – Donations Welcome