Weight Management
Get Moving with Counterweight is a free 12 week group programme which supports you to make small changes to your diet and lifestyle to help you manage your weight and become more active. It is a new healthy lifestyle programme funded by NHS Borders in partnership with Live Borders.
The initial 12-week group programme consists of 12 weekly dietary and behaviour change sessions along with a tailored exercise session, which will support you to make the small changes required to lose 5-10% of your body weight. Each session lasts 90 minutes in total (dietary & exercise) and the groups are small with a maximum of 12 people. Following this 12 week programme there is a weekly drop-in weigh in session and follow up group sessions at 6, 9 and 12 months.
For the programme, you must have a Body Mass Index greater than 25 (calculate your BMI HERE) and weigh less than 160kg (25 stones 3 lb). These limits are general guidelines.
For further information on the NHS Borders weight management service please visit – http://www.nhsborders.scot.nhs.uk/patients-and-visitors/our-services/general-services/borders-adult-weight-management-team/
To see if you are suitable or for further information about the programme, contact the Borders Weight Management Service at Borders General Hospital on 01896 827236 or e-mail BordersWeight.ManagementTeam@borders.scot.nhs.uk.
If emailing the weight management team please ensure you receive an automated reply back to confirm that your email has been received.