Echoes Exhibition by Emma Jones & Helen McKnockiter

Echoes Exhibition by Emma Jones & Helen McKnockiter

Echoes’ brings together the work of Emma Jones (Wee Blue Press) and Helen McKnockiter, exploring how the emotions of people and the sea can be communicated through their deeply personal and richly varied work.

Emma Jones is a largely self-taught artist and printmaker, with a studio in Eyemouth. She enjoys experimenting with and combining different techniques, producing one-off prints or very small editions. Over the last two years she has been developing a more sustainable practice, printing with recycled packaging, found items and monoprinted marks. Her deep love of the sea and landscape influences her practice and she is drawn to natural shapes and materials. Her recent work features simplified shapes and textures, using stencils, screenprinting and plant materials to create prints on handmade paper and raw canvas.

Helen McKnockiter is an artist and illustrator living and working in Edrom in the Scottish Borders. Helen is also interested in sustainable, more environmentally friendly working and has been investigating the use of organic materials within her work, in particular tea, coffee and red wine on paper. Helen is a visual storyteller, her work is rich in narrative.

‘In our practice we are both interested in taking steps to create art in a more sustainable way, where possible using organic, recycled textiles and materials.’

Emma’s Website & Facebook

Helen’s Website & Facebook

When & where

Date: Aug 28 - Oct 31

Coldstream Museum

Pricing details:

FREE Entry