Still life 'The Ingredients for Chutney' by Nan Fergusson

The Galashiels Studio Club @ Old Gala House

The Galashiels Studio Club @ Old Gala House

The Galashiels Studio Club is celebrating its seventy-fifth anniversary! Come and see a vibrant and diverse collection of work by its members. 

 This annual exhibition by the local Galashiels art group is a chance to see the work of its members. A wide variety of artwork will be on display, in different styles and mediums, and promises something for everyone.  

 The Studio Club began shortly after the war in 1948 and has been going, off and on, ever since. It’s open to anyone who wants to paint and explore art in all its forms. The Club holds a series of talks and demonstrations throughout the year by professional artists who are willing to show their techniques and pass on knowledge, as well as running workshops led by Club members. 

 The sponsor of the seventy-fifth anniversary exhibition is David Henderson, whose parents, James Henderson and Nan Fergusson (Mrs James Henderson), were among the founding members of the Club. 

When & where

Date: Jul 01 - Jul 22

Old Gala House

Pricing details:

Free Admission- donations welcome